For the daylight that welcomes each day, For the sunshine to make my daily hay, And for the abundant air that I breathe, Oh Lord, I thank you for them all always I'm grateful that they always make my dayYou have heard my cry for mercy O, Lord, my strength and shield I trust You with all my heart Thank you for helping me, and for filling my heart with joy and thanksgiving (Psalm 286–7) Lord, thank you, You are so good and ready to forgive, thank you for Your unfailing love that covers meI thank you for these Great Blessings daily, Lord My Lord you know my husband, John has been Furloughed from Disney since April;
Grateful thank you lord for the blessings
Grateful thank you lord for the blessings- Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; Thank you for blessing me with her in my life Thank you for bringing us together and thank you for allowing me to be a part of her life I am happy beyond words we get to spend time together every day Thank you Lord for blessing me with my mother on this Mothers Day Thanks for sending a gift, my mom, from Heaven

Dear Heavenly Father, Lord God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit of the living God, I just want to take this moment to be thankful and give gratitude for everything you have given to me Both the good things and the seemingly bad things I really do appreciate everything, even the most littlest thing Hebrews 1229 Therefore, Your word promises in Psalm 216 "You have endowed him with eternal blessings and given him the joy of your presence" (NLT) We thank you today Lord for these blessings That once we come to you in repentance, your Spirit never leaves us nor forsakes us Your faithfulness for eternally giving us springtime, summer, fall and winterWe tell of all your wonderful deeds We tell of your provision, your protection and your mercy Today, we tell of all your great blessings lavished on us this year
"Be thankful that you have clothes to wear, food to eat and a place to sleep" Thinking of the year had ended Now I am writingThank you I notice the blessings of life, breath, loving and sharing I am so very grateful Thank you, Lord (a simple prayer of thanks from wwwlordsprayerwordscom) prayer for the sick a short prayer for a sick family member (such as an ill mom or dad) or friend God bless you for your compassion!
For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" ( 1 Thessalonians 518) There is an "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good His faithful love endures forever" ( Psalm 1361) One of the#29 Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter;I will tell of all your wonderful deeds" For instance, if you see one person doing a kind act for another, you might say a short prayer like, "Father, thank You for allowing me to see people showing each other the same love You have for us"

Thankful Grateful And Truly Blessed Trinx Color Red Size 11 H X 18 W X 0 06 D